The New Artist Network is a new cable Television network created for the purpose of broadcasting first run Independant Feature Films and Shorts as well as the flagship program, "PLAYHOUSE 2000" The cable network will air weekly on your local cable. Initially, The New Artist Television Network will air several feature length Independant Films as well as short Independant films from approximatly 6:00 in the evening up until 9:00 where "PLAYHOUSE 2000" will broadcast as the main show runner of the network. Playhouse 2000 is an original two part on-going single episode program that will air every Thursday Night. The shows will be in the vain of the old Playhouse 90's, Kraft Playhouse, and others that aird from 1957 to 1962. Each new show will be completely original and will feature new breakthrugh artists of our time.
To get an idea of what the programs will be like, we welcome you to download the following script. If you have any questions or coments please feel free to email us at simeone@hotmail.com. Your comments and questions will be most appreciated.
To download the script now, you may need to also download the Final Draft viewer applicaton so feel free to download it too.
Thank you and be sure to tune into to your local cable for "PLAYHOUSE 2000" and other shows on "The New Artist Television Network.
Download the script now by clicking on the underlined items bellow.
After you download the script you must expand it with Stuffit Expander.
You do this by downloading stuffit expander and then draging
the Icon that reads The Machinest.sea onto the Stuffit Expander icon.
After that you click on the FDViewer Icon and then go to the menu bar
and tap on open file. Find The Machinest on the list and tap on it twice
to open or just once to hilite it and then press the open button to open it.
THE VIEWER APPLICATION PROGRAM (FDViewer.sea.hqx): Download Now...
THE SCRIPT (AAAmech.sea.hqx): Download Now...